New York City Sky Lights up Blue and Flickers

New York City Sky Lights up Blue and Flickers

Like a scene out of a movie, the New York City sky turned blue and green. It first seemed like a reflection off of a glass window; however, when I went outside, it became very oddly apparent that something different was going on.

Was it lightning? But why was it so blue and green? There were no sounds that accompanied the light, and many people seemingly did not notice.

After it ended, I took to Twitter to get the latest real time. I found one within 2 minutes.

What’s going on in manhattan right now with the blue lights? Whole sky lit up like it was daytime— Michael Maskin (@mgmaskin) December 28, 2018

Unreal during typical Thursday evening in New York City around 9:00 PM EST. As seen from Queens, New York City

Not sure if there will ever be a solid explanation on such bizarreness. Oh well. Nice to see that 2019 new year will be bringing in new experiences. I am just hoping for the positive.

EDIT**Based on how information seems to be spreading on the youtube channel comments, please confirm with your local authorities if anything serious did in fact happen. Be careful about taking information from the internet without verification.

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