Thoughts from a Young man

Thoughts from a Young man

This memoir was originally drafted during June 2020 Protests/Riots in NYC. I held off publishing because I forgot that I wrote this. Events in Kenosha, Wisconsin have impressed upon me to release this half baked, un-edited, experience.

The world is Global. What used to be Hong Kong TV, is now live US TV. The First Amendment, is a constitutional masterpiece. It gives Americans the freedom do what they want to do. It’s really that simple. It may not be everything, but its structured in a way that there are many options to choose from.

I’m not a market forecaster and you are not a weatherman. I whipped out my Merlin Ball and peered into the US job market.

I see other countries picking up hiring activity ahead of the US. My mind wonders to the reasons: Our ineffective ability to manage a pandemic. Who holds accountability for that? Is it their right to admit to so?

The problem with making claims is that you can’t enforce them if both sides are playing by different rules.

It’s fair to think that someone could blame the Pandemic on a more specific act: disbanding the one team responsible to manage a virus.

We failed, we lost the Super Bowl, we lost the NBA Finals, we lost all of Sports… Who cares? We lost the ability to go to the beach… well who cares? Apparently, many white Americans. So much so that they hostile took over a court state house. Yes, showing up with semi automatic rifles as an American citizen is pretty hostile.

Fortunately, they were American, and the police knew how to handle the situation — to ensure everyone’s safety while allowing them to express their FIRST amendment rights.

I am happy for the world and also questionably tense for us here across the Country. Sorry Canada and Mexico.


We’re at work, trying to connect the dots, figure out ways to create value in people’s lives, etc.. I’m doing OK, it’s the least I can.

When we are not working and looking to connect dots, we digitally engorge ourselves with disturbing events unfolding. Do we sit and let it happen, or do we press forward and shape the lives we want?

And our inner most thoughts as we grapple with Police Brutality and protesters to violence. From this interaction, we are unfortunately seeing instead more violence, looting, and why not just call it Mayhem.

Unfortunately, many Americans want this. They are Republican, they are democrat. They are poor, they are rich. Perhaps our most thought of civil war will be a different kind of thing, similar to modern warfare itself becoming digital.

I say all of this to say: I have no idea what I’m saying. I am fortunate to have a solid education and be in a life pursuit of learning. As I travel along this journey, I’ve been able to lend myself to healthcare and technology.

I have a good friend who has spent several of his good years helping Morgan Stanley remain one of the US top financial institutions. When work shifted home, he was fortunate to buy a house and have a place to stay.

Businesses are currently shutdown due to COVID-19. With rolls outs scheduled throughout every US city, the next few months will be telling for the American economy.

Instead, businesses are gathering plywood and bordering up their windows in anticipation for civil unrest in the US. That’s where I live, and probably you as well. And if you don’t, I can only imagine how you’d look at the situation we Americans find ourselves in.

So, the question is, where do we go from here. Unfortunately, violence, police and now military force, are all defining what this movement is about. There were peaceful attempts to start dialogue. From Ferguson to Flint and San Francisco, African Americans have tried to force a dialogue.

So here we are, trying to make a living while making the world a better place. Whose world are we making better when we are in 2020, and facing this reality. In America, the people select how the affairs of the country take place. That’s what makes this Country so different.

It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. We can play a game where we get pushed by priorities, or we can create the change to make our government and people better.

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