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Some Definition of endogenous 1 : growing or produced by growth from deep tissue endogenous plant roots 2 a : caused by factors inside the organism or system suffered from endogenous depression endogenous business cycles b : produced or synthesized within the organism or system an endogenous hormone

More Extrapolated: 1 : produced by growth from superficial tissue exogenous roots produced by leaves 2 a : caused by factors (such as food or a traumatic factor) or an agent (such as a disease-producing organism) from outside the organism or system exogenous obesity exogenous psychic depression exogenous market fluctuations b : introduced from or produced outside the organism or system; specifically : not synthesized within the organism or system


To Review:

Acute nutritional ketosis: implications for exercise performance and metabolism -

Ketone Bodies and Exercise Performance: The Next Magic Bullet or Merely Hype? -
