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Visual Pathways

Visual Pathways 0. Introduction We will follow the flow of information about the visual world, picking up at the photoreceptors and finishing in the cortex. We will learn about the structure and function of the parts of the brain dedicated to vision. At several points along the way, we will stop to see how these details fit into more general, "big picture" themes in neuroscience and psychology.

Remember that the retina is a part of the brain, "reaching out" to see the world. It is the only part of the brain that can be viewed directly.

A quick overview of the route: the outputs of the retina then pass through the optic nerve, cross and split at the optic chiasm, through the optic tract to the LGN. From there, they pass to V1, or primary visual cortex, and then on to "higher-level" brain areas. Get oriented by looking at [the visual pathways from below], and [the visual pathways from the side].

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