Peaks of Activation of Valance

Table 1 Peaks of Activation of Valance significantly modulated by valence within our regions of interest (orbitofrontal cortex, subgenual and anterior cingulate, insula, amygdala, brain stem, pons, and striatum as defined…

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Introduction to Bitcoin

What problem does Bitcoin solve? A solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributed timestamp server to generate computational proof of the chronological order of transactions. The system is…

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There is a vibrant community of civic hacking and other hackathon events in Philadelphia. To grow awareness, build community and fight redundancy, we try to keep a detailed look at…

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What is CodeforPhilly?

One of more than 50 Code for America brigades in the country, Code for Philly is a volunteer group of coders, organizers and developers working within the Philadelphia area to help with personal and government projects.…

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